Spaces for Transformation

At Northeastern, you have the space, freedom, and supportive community to create anything you want. We’ve curated versatile tools and innovation resources to spark your curiosity and transform your passion into something extraordinary.

Meet the Makerspaces

The Freedom to Make it What You Want

Experiment with new materials.
Explore a new interest.
Elevate your extracurricular activities.
Or just say hi. These are our spaces.

3 students work on a robotic rover
Members of the Mars Rover Team work on the rover in the College of Engineering makerspace in Richards Hall
Student placing material on machine at the Makerspace at EXP
Student placing material on machine at the Makerspace at EXP

Open to Makers of All Kinds

We’re committed to building an inclusive community that is accessible, comfortable, and available to all. Bring your passion and compassion to the space so that everyone can make without judgment or concern. Read more about our honor code and commitment to inclusion and anti-discrimination.

Read our honor code

Curious? Stop In and Try Something New.

Upcoming Events

View All Events

Our Mission is About You

At Northeastern, we’re all about creating opportunities for you to collaborate and connect in unexpected ways. We’ve designed our spaces to inspire and catalyze something new so that you leave a better, more experienced creator every time.


Care to Share?

Do you have a finished project you’d like to share on our Project Highlight? Or, are you eager for feedback on a project in progress?

Share with us

Meet Your Support System

Every creator and innovator needs a little help sometimes to support the process. We’re equipped to help at all levels, so your creativity never meets limits.

Meet the Staff
Makerspace Staff wearing yellow safety vests and hard hats stand in the under construction Makerspace at EXP